BPIP Support

BPIP collects publicly available information from Bitcointalk.org and aggregates data in various useful ways for other members. We do not have any special access to the forum or its database.

Usually this is due to the profile not being "refreshed". Each profile page has a "Refresh Profile" button which will queue that profile to be re-parsed and pickup any recent data, which should resolve the data conflicts.

There are some numbers & data which are parsed outside of the "Refresh Profile" option, things like DT1/2 status, banned profiles, archived accounts, and more. These typically get updated frequently and should be accurate (every ~10-15 minutes). This accuracy could depend on parser load and other factors that may hinder or slow down parsing data.

If you feel there are mis-calculations or inaccurate information which are not being updated, please report them on the BPIP Project Thread.

The feedback trust score used for the "Most Trusted" rank is based on the old feedback score used by theymos, but has some small modifications.

For unique DT-level positive feedbacks on a profile, the age of the feedback up until 9 months is added as 1 point per month. Anything older then 9 months is counted as 10 points each.

For unique DT-level negative feedbacks on a profile (up to a total count of 21) represented as N, 2 is raised to the power of N (2N), then subtracted from the score. Negative feedback counts going over 21 will be calculated using 21.

On a profile page, and other areas, the trust color is based off of this score.

  • Score of 0: Black
  • Score of <0: Red
  • Score of >4: Light Green
  • Score of >14: Dark Green
  • Offering suggestions for improvements.
  • Help spot any bugs or glitches in the data and report them on the BPIP Project Thread.
  • BPIP takes resources to run, and the database is growing every second. Donations and sponsorships are another way to help support BPIP and ensure it stays running succesfully.